Costs and benefits of multiple uses of water: a case from Ethiopia

Costs and benefits of multiple uses of water: a case from Ethiopia

TitleCosts and benefits of multiple uses of water: a case from Ethiopia
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of PublicationSubmitted
Full Text

M. Adank, B. Belete, M. Jeths: Costs and benefits of multiple uses of water: a case from Ethiopia

This paper presents a study conducted under the RiPPLE project1, with the objective to provide better insight in the costs and benefits of multiple use water services. In this study, the costs related to the provision of water services and the benefits related to water use were analysed for two cases in the East Haraghe zone, Ethiopia, each taking a different path towards multiple use services. In the Ido Jalala case, domestic water supply services were upgraded to enable small-scale irrigation, while in the Ifa Daba case, irrigation services were upgrades to also cater for domestic water use. In both cases, water was used for multiple uses by the community members, regardless of the water services provided. The study shows that in the studied cases, the benefits of multiple use easily outweigh the costs involved in providing water services. It also shows that with relatively small additional costs, single use water services can be upgraded to multiple use water services, which facilitate multiple uses, bringing along relatively high additional benefits. [authors abstract]

