Ethiopia: linking water and food security; the multiple use of domestic water supplies

Ethiopia: linking water and food security; the multiple use of domestic water supplies

TitleEthiopia: linking water and food security; the multiple use of domestic water supplies
Publication TypeWeb Article
Year of PublicationSubmitted
Full Text

Both water and sanitation and food are recognised as human rights, that every citizen is entitled to enjoy. Our professions, governments and agencies work diligently, but mostly separately on these two issues. In some places, such a clear separation of efforts is not always possible or sensible though. Water and food are especially closely linked in rural and peri-urban areas in low income countries, and here, efforts to improve access to water and food security demand integrated components that build on the potential synergies. Families integrate their own efforts after all, and many traditional water supplies schemes cater for multiple uses. To maximize the developmental impact of their work, this is something that professionals and organisations need to get better at too. This article highlights one  the productive use of domestic water supplies where such a coordinated approach is required, and illustrates it by case studies from Ethiopia.

