
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Winrock’s activities in Niger.

Powerpoint presentation given at the MUS group meeting in 2011 in Rome by Emily Kovich (Winrock), on Winrock’s activities in Niger.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Including MUS in the NREGA in Madhya Pradesh, India.

Powerpoint presentation given at the MUS group meeting in 2011 in Rome by Malik Ravinder of the International Water anagement Institute (IWMI) India, on integrating MUS in the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) in Madhya Pradesh, India.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Participatory planning of water assets for multiple uses in NREGA, India.

Powerpoint presentation given at the MUS group meeting in 2011 in Rome by Shilp Verma of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) India, on Participatory planning of water assets for multiple uses in the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MG-NREGS).

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Insights on elaborating a domestic use module to MASSMUS; case from Andhra Pradesh, India.

Powerpoint presentation given at the MUS group meeting in 2011 in Rome by Stef Smits, IRC, on elaborating a domestic use module to Mapping systems and Services for Multiple Uses (MASSMUS); case from Andhra Pradesh, India.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Understanding multiple uses of water in China, using the MASSMUS approach.

Powerpoint presentation given at the MUS group meeting in 2011 in Rome by Zhanyi Gao, National Centre for Efficient Irrigation Technology Research, on multiple uses of water in China, using the Mapping systems and Services for Multiple Uses (MASSMUS) approach.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Developing working models for MUS .

Powerpoint presentation given at the MUS group meeting in 2011 in Rome by  Mary Renwick (Winrock) and Patrice Martin (IDEO) on water for health and wealth: accelerating multiple use water services for the poor.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Integrating MUS in WASH projects as a Domestic+: An Initiation of WaterAid Nepal.

Powerpoint presentation given at the MUS group meeting in 2011 in Rome by Kabir Das Rajbhandri, WaterAid Nepal, on integrating MUS in WASH as a Domestic+: an initiation in the context of WaterAid in Nepal (WAN).

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Planning for MUS, the iDE experience in Nepal.

Powerpoint presentation given at the MUS group meeting in 2011 in Rome by C.G Raj, iDE Nepal on planning and implementation of MUS in the Nepal-iDE Experience.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  MUS through rainwater harvesting in Ethiopia.

Powerpoint presentation given at the MUS group meeting in 2011 in Rome by Ard Schoemaker, RAIN Foundation, on rainwater harvesting in Ethiopia.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Experiences of MUS in South Africa.

Powerpoint presentation given at the MUS group meeting in 2011 in Rome by Virginia Molose, The Mvula Trust on the South-African NGO The MvulaTrust and MUS.
