India: Scaling up community-based MUS through MG-NREGA

India: Scaling up community-based MUS through MG-NREGA

TitleIndia: Scaling up community-based MUS through MG-NREGA
Publication TypeStudy report
Year of PublicationSubmitted
Publication Languageeng
Citation Key492
Full Text

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act of the Government of India provides a legal guarantee for 100 days of employment per year to adult members of any rural household willing to undertake public works at the prescribed minimum wages. Studies suggest that well over half of the assets created under Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MG-NREGS) are water-related and that while a significant proportion among these were possibly designed for single-use but de facto multiple use structures. Given its emphasis on decentralized, participatory planning processes, MG-NREGS may be viewed as the world’s largest laboratory for community-based MUS. This country-report focuses on exploring investment opportunities for the Rockefeller Foundation in the context of scaling up community-based MUS through MG-NREGS.

