Community-driven MUS
Presentation by Usha Jha on Learning from best practices and approaches of community management of MUS Systems.
Presentation by Khem Raj Sharma, Anushiya Shrestha and Ananta Gautam on Multiple Dimensions of Community Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Ugrachandinala VDC of Kavrepalanchok District, Nepal.
Presentation by Stef Smits and Andrès Gil of IRC on background, context, technology costs, water resources, institutional arrangements and tariffs for MUS in Honduras.
Presentation by Nega Legesse of Oxfam on community based water resources management in Niger.
Presentation by Lucien Damiba of WaterAid on community based water resources management (CBWRM) in West Africa.
This article, published in Water Alternatives, examines community-driven multiple use water services (MUS) as pioneered by the Rural Village Water Resources Management Project (RVWRMP) in the Far and Mid-Western development regions of Nepal. These regions are characterised by poverty, remoteness, rugged terrain, food insecurity, water scarcity, and post-conflict legacy. Water provision for domestic and productive uses provides opportunities to address poverty and livelihoods in environments with highly decentralised governance.
This study explores the first-hand lessons learned in the RVWRMP in Nepal since 2006. This project is embedded within the local government. Key project entry points are decentralisation, participation and empowerment. This article reflects how the community-managed systems are used for multiple uses whether they were designed for it or not. It focuses on household- and community-level changes and related institution building and participatory planning through Water Use Master Plans and a Step-by-Step approach. Recommendations are made for scaling up multiple use services.
Sanna-Leena Rautanen, Barbara van Koppen, Narayan Wagle, 2014
Community-driven multiple use water services: Lessons learned by the Rural Village Water Resources Management Project in Nepal, Water Alternatives 7(1): 160-177
Summary report from the discussions
The Multiple use water services (MUS) Group, together with some of its members and partners (IRC, IWMI, Winrock International, RiPPLE, CINARA, World Vision, USAID, Virginia Tech University and Rockefeller Foundation) convened a session at the Stockholm World Water Week on ‘Scaling Pathways for Multiple-Use Services, for Food Security and Health’ with the aim of identifyingscaling pathways for MUS to reach the tipping point. [authors abstract]
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act of the Government of India provides a legal guarantee for 100 days of employment per year to adult members of any rural household willing to undertake public works at the prescribed minimum wages. Studies suggest that well over half of the assets created under Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MG-NREGS) are water-related and that while a significant proportion among these were possibly designed for single-use but de facto multiple use structures. Given its emphasis on decentralized, participatory planning processes, MG-NREGS may be viewed as the world’s largest laboratory for community-based MUS. This country-report focuses on exploring investment opportunities for the Rockefeller Foundation in the context of scaling up community-based MUS through MG-NREGS.