
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Moving towards a MUS approach.

Presentation by Katie Spooner of CAFOD on moving towards a MUS approach and building resilience and sustainability.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Multiple Use Systems and equity in the Sahel, Burkina Faso.

Presentation by Julia Boulenouar of Aguaconsult on the WA-WASH programme and the IRC/Triple-S component in it. This entails supporting national and local government in achieving sustainable service delivery in the Sahel Region.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Productive Use of Domestic Rural Water Systems The Kenya Case.

A presentation given by Ralph Hall (Virginia Tech), Jenna Davis, Sara Marks (Stanford University) and Robert Hope (University of Oxford) on productive use of domestic rural water systems : the Kenya case, at the 2012 MUS-group meeting in Washington, DC.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Productive Use of Domestic Rural Water Systems The Senegal Case.

A presentation given by Ralph Hall, Emily Van Houweling, Eric Vance, Mark Seiss (Virginia Tech) and Jenna Davis (Stanford University) on productive use of domestic rural water systems : the Senegal case, at the 2012 MUS-group meeting in Washington, DC.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Honduras: MUS and sustainability of rural water supply in 14 communities.

This case study captures de facto MUS practices in 14 communities in Honduras. Specifically, it looks into the question of how such practices contribute to people's livelihoods and how they contribute to sustainability of the rural water supply services. It concludes that MUS is a common practice in nearly all households and in nearly all communities. The relative importance of MUS, however, depends on the livelihood strategy of a household. The study also shows how MUS can be regulated in such a way that it doesn't negatively affect system sustainability.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Honduras: MUS in rural water supply, Smits, IRC.

This presentation looks into the de facto use of rural piped water supply for productive purposes in Honduras. It looks amongst others at the benefits derived from this as well as the implications for sustainability of services.