Supporting continuous services

Supporting continuous services

The objective of this phase is to ensure the continuous provision of sustainable multiple water services.


The objective of this phase is to ensure the continuous provision of sustainable multiple water services.


  • Continuous post-construction support (capacity development, technical assistance, facilitation) to service providers and users.

Unlike single-use services, post construction support for MUS also includes:

  • Stimulating multiple uses and providing advice, where needed also on accompanying measures such as hygiene education, market development, soil conservation, etc.
  • Prioritising and regulating water uses as anticipated during the design.
  • Support to tariff setting for multiple use water services.
  • Continuous monitoring of the multiple use service.

In addition to the provision of post-construction support to water users and multiple-use service providers, monitoring the multiple uses and the services and taking corrective action where needed, is essential.


The following tools can be useful to support the activities within this phase: