Upcoming and Past Events
Upcoming and Past Events
This page gives an overview of international events in which the MUS Group has participated.
Upcoming Event
At the moment there are not upcoming events.
Past Events
- Nepal MUS Review meeting (10 April) and 7th Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems (FMIS) Seminar (11-12 April), Kathmandu. More information on the seminar and submission of papers is available on this site.
- International workshop on MUS for climate resilience: A socio-technical approach for improved community water governance. The workshop was held from 23-26 February 2016, in Kathmandu, Nepal. There is a video with presentation highlights and a summary as well as programme abstracts.
- MUS a way for better livelihood in rural areas: a side event at the 22nd ICID Congress in Gwangju, Korea from 14-20 September 2014.
- MUS e-discussion by MUS and RWSN was organised in 2014. The announcement contains the topics for the discussion.
- World Irrigation Forum in Mardin, Turkey, September 2013: The MUS Group, in collaboration with AFEID–ICID France and FAO, organised a side event at the 1st World Irrigation Forum.
- MUS roundtable: The MUS roundtable workshop held at Bellagio Conference Center, in Italy (September 3-7, 2012) was organized by the MUS Group and supported financially by The Rockefeller Foundation. The workshop was aimed at taking stock of the vast experiences in MUS over the past years in order to further develop the concept, practice and communication about the approach. A roundtable report is online.
- MUS session at Stockholm World Water Week 2012: the MUS Group convened a session at the Stockholm World Water Week on ‘Scaling Pathways for Multiple-Use Services, for Food Security and Health’.
- MUS at 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul 2009: there were 4 different sessions and for each session a report has been produced.
- Ethiopia: Second IFWF 2008: Papers presented at the 2nd International Forum on Water and Food.
- MUS Symposium 2008: The MUS Group, together with the RiPPLE programme, organised an international symposium on multiple-use services from 4-6 November 2008 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The proceedings are available on this website.
- Mexico World Water Forum 2006: A well attended session on multiple use water services was organised by the MUS group during the Fourth World Water Forum in 20 March 2006. The activity brought together local practitioners involved in piloting integrated approaches to supplying water for domestic and productive uses and representatives from key international and national institutions in the domestic and irrigation sectors. A session report is available.
- E-conference 2004: This background paper introduces the concepts, content and structure of the e-conference on multiple use water services. The ideas presented are brief and are developed in greater detail in a number of publications listed in the final section.
- Johannesburg Symposium 2003: In January 2003, the MUS group organised an international symposium on 'water, poverty and productive uses of water at the household level'. A post-statement on the Johannesburg symposium has been published.