Dr P.S. Rao provided an overview of the MASSMUS guideline application in a large-scale irrigation system in India.
Expert not on quantification and valuation of multiple uses in tank irrigation systems, based on the Tamil Nadu case in South India
This presentation shows different scenarios for the future of surface irrigation in India.
This paper by Jacob Kalle looks into the multiple-uses of water around tanks in India.
The presentation by Mary Renwick and Jacob Kalle looked into the implementation of the "water for health and wealth" MUS programme in Niger and India.
Chapter 14 contains the conclusion. An abundance of lessons emerged from the MUS work in Nepal and Maharashtra, India. While the experiences in the two places were incredibly different, several common threads emerged, albeit with distinctive situational spins. Perhaps the simplest emergent theme was that MUS is not a new concept for rural villagers in either Nepal or Maharashtra. In both regions, communities have found ways to achieve their own integrated water resource management by combining various “projects,” either brought to them via external implementers (the government or NGOs) or accomplished via their own efforts.
The Learning Alliance experience in Maharashtra contains important lessons for the potential upscaling of the MUS concept in the state. By attempting implementation of MUS projects through a larger state-led drinking water scheme, the experience in India has illuminated hurdles and limitations in expanding theMUS concept through a state-government program.MUS work in India took place only in the state of Maharashtra. Therefore, the state-level government represents the “national” level for the MUS Learning Alliance in India. In chapter 13 you can read about the experiences.
The situation for MUS in Maharashtra most likely reflects the reality of future MUS upscaling: attempting to use a state drinking water project as a vehicle for integrating multiple uses at the village level. As such, these two cases instruct the implementation of MUS globally, you can read more about in chapter 12.
Samundi was chosen as a case study in Maharashtra to represent an incredibly motivated tribal community that is using the Jalswarajya project to supply all their water needs. In chapter 11 you can read the unique story of village women taking charge of their community’s development.