Guidelines for planning and management of mus systems
Guidelines for planning and management water supply systems to support the domestic and small scale productive activities of rural families
Multiple uses of water: Practical strategies to increase the impact of water services through an integrated approach
This policy note presents conclusions of the lessons learned in the Multiple Uses of Water project in the Andean Region, based upon research in Bolivia and Colombia.
Planning water supply services that satisfy multiple water needs of poor rural families, Colombia
This paper presents ideas for planning integrated and sustainable water supply systems, that contribute to the improvement of the health and poverty alleviation of people living in rural communities.
Analysis of the PAAR Program Interventions in Valle del Cauca, Colombia
This paper analyses the interventions of the PAAR Program in Valle del Cauca department using a framework of principles on multiple uses of water at the local level, through the evaluation of 91 projects executed between 2003 and 2006.
Colombia- CINARA Research on multiple-use water services: synthesis and lessons learnt
This report (in Spanish) synthesizes results of over ten completed projects and theses by students at Cinara on multiple uses of water. It draws out general recommendations for implementing multiple-use services at community-level and upscaling at intermediate- and national level.
Colombia-Multiple-use water systems by design: the experiences of PAAR, Valle del Cauca
This report (in Spanish) reviews project design and implementation at national and intermediate level by the rural water supply program 'PAAR' to provide adequate support, tariffs, and participatory management for multiple-use water supply. It analysis the technical, institutional, financial, and environmental functioning of the schemes and the resulting livelihoods benefits.
Análisis del Ciclo de Proyecto del PAAR
Contiene el análisis del Ciclo de Proyecto del Programa de Abastecimiento de Agua Rural para el Valle del Cauca, PAAR, bajo el enfoque de los Usos Multiples del Agua.
El Programa de Abastecimiento de Agua Rural – PAAR, fue creado en el año 2003 con el objetivo de suministrar agua a las comunidades rurales del Valle del Cauca, mediante la construcción o mejoramiento de sistemas de abastecimiento.
Este programa es ejecutado por el Comité Departamental de Cafeteros con recursos de la Gobernación del Valle, la CVC, ACUAVALLE, el mismo Comité Departamental de Cafeteros y los municipios del Valle del Cauca.
El Programa tiene como meta invertir entre el 2003 y el 2007 US$21’739.000, de los cuales US$9’580.000 están destinados a 206 iniciativas con disponibilidad presupuestal. A la fecha el PAAR ha intervenido 102 sistemas de abastecimiento de zonas rurales.
Este documento muestra los aspectos institucionales, sociales, técnicos, económicos y ambientales enmarcados en las intervenciones del PAAR en los municipios; analiza su ciclo de proyecto bajo la mirada del ciclo de proyectos de agua y saneamiento propuesto por Cinara e identifica limitaciones y oportunidades de este ciclo para la planificación de sistemas de uso múltiple de agua.
Colombia- Analysis of the PAAR project cycle in Valle del Cauca: does MUS fit or not?
This report (in Spanish) analyzes the project cycle of PAAR, the intermediate-level rural water supply programme in Valle del Cauca. It focuses on quality and quantity norms and tariff setting that hamper or enable productive uses of water supplies during project planning, implementation and evaluation. Recommendations are made for improvements in the programme to better support livelihoods through improved water supply.
Concepción y construcción participativa de un sistema de agua de uso múltiple en la zona rural de Vinto - Bolivia
Documento final en formato .pdf que contiene el estudio de caso MUS Vinto (Cochabamba - Bolivia)
NOTA: Este documento está sujeto a revisión y aprobación por parte del PROMIC-CTB, por lo que no deberá ser tomado como información oficial.
Bolivia - Multiple-use water services by design
This report (in Spanish) documents experiences with PROMIC and the Belgian Technical Cooperation project in the Vinto area to design and construct multiple use water supply systems in the Vinto area.
Presentación Power Point estudio de caso MUS Vinto
Presentación de Power Point que resume el estudio de caso de Chaupisuyo en 30 slides que incluyen imágenes y diagramas ilustrativos. NOTA: NOTA: Este documento está sujeto a revisión y aprobación por parte del PROMIC-CTB, por lo que no deberá ser tomado como información oficial.
Estudio de Caso Chaupisuyo
Documento final que contiene el estudio de caso Chaupisuyo (Cochabamba - Bolivia)
Presentación Power Point del estudio de Caso Chaupisuyo
Presentación de Power Point que resume el estudio de caso de Chaupisuyo en 12 slides que incluyen imágenes y diagramas ilustrativos.
Bolivia- Multiple use systems in Chaupisuyo, Sipe Sipe
This report of an irrigation-plus approach analyses irrigation systems in the Sipe Sipe area and how these have been designed and modified technically, institutionally, and financially, to support other productive uses and domestic supply for improved livelihoods.
Bolivia- Resource Center with local government for multiple-use water services in Cochabamba
This report (in Spanish) documents the development of a resource center in alliance with local government of Cochabamba to enhance providers' coordination, support and financing for small water committees, especially in dealing with multiple-use water services.
Colombia: Multiple uses of water in the micro-catchment of El Chocho
This case study examines multiple uses of water in the El Chocho catchment near Cali, Colombia. This document is avaiable in Spanish with a summary in English.
Colombia- Multiple uses of water in the La Palma -Tres Puertas water supply system, Valle del Cauca
This case study (in Spanish) analyses the La Palma - Tres Puertas water supply system as a “de-facto” multiple uses system, and identifies proposals in order to improve the service.
Documento de caso acueuducto La Palma Tres Puertas
Contiene el caso de estudio desarrollado en el acueducto de La Palma - Tres Puertas en el municipio de Restrepo (Valle del Cauca - Colombia)
Colombia- Multiple uses of water in the Cajamarca irrigation system
This case study (in Spanish) analyses the use of irrigation and domestic water systems serving a rural community in the Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
Documento de caso Cajamarca
Contiene el caso de estudio desarrollado en Cajamarca en el municipio de Roldanillo (Valle del Cauca - Colombia)
Report of 2nd workshop, Valle del Cauca MUS learning alliance, Colombia
On 15 July 2005, the 2nd Valle del Cauca MUS learning alliance workshop brought together 22 engineers, researchers and practitioners from the department with interests in multiple use water systems (Spanish with English summary).