Report of 1st workshop, Valle del Cauca MUS learning alliance, Colombia
This 1st workshop on 16 November 2004 was organised to bring together organisations and individuals in the Valle del Cauca interested to find ways to ensure that water supply systems meet the productive as well as domestic needs of people. (Spanish with English summary)
Report of 1st workshop, Cochabamba MUS learning alliance, Bolivia
On 7 April 2005, a workshop was held in Cochabamba, Bolivia to bring together NGOs, researchers, municipalities and communities with interests in the multiple use of water supply systems. (Spanish)
Learning Alliances in the Andean Basin
Find workshop reports from the MUS learning alliances in the Andes here. The full analyses of the progress of the learning alliance process are available in Spanish only.
MUS Andes brochure (English)
Brochure introducing the MUS project in the Andes
The CPWF-MUS Project
This page contains outputs from the Multiple Use Services (CPWF-MUS) project hosted by the Challenge Program on Water and Food. The project ran between 2004-2009 and was participated in by a wide-range of professional stakeholders, research and implementation communities from both the productive and domestic water sectors. The project focused on developing and putting to test tools and guidelines for multiple-use water services (MUS) delivery - this, considered an effective strategy that contributes to poverty alleviation and gender equity. Activities were carried out in the rural and peri-urban areas of five major river basins across eight countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Throughout the course of the project, the methodology of the learning alliance was used to support in the development of place-specific innovations, and in the building/strengthening of local capacity for scaling up.
Conclusions report
This report captures the main proceedings, points of discussion and conclusions emanating from the symposium.
Background paper to the symposium: from practice to policy
This background paper to the MUS Symposium, from practice to policy has been written by Stef Smits, Mary Renwick, Daniel Renault, John Butterworth and Barbara van Koppen. In this background paper for the symposium, we aim to provide a synopsis of current work in two parts: the first part looks at key concepts and definitions on multiple-use of water and the second reviews existing work on multiple-use services, especially that carried out over the past 5 years since the earlier 2003 Johannesburg symposium.
Proceedings: Intl Symposium on Multiple-Use Services 2008
John Butterworth, Martin Keijzer, Ian Smout and Fitsum Hagos (Eds). Proceedings of the International Symposium Multiple-Use Services; from Practice to Policy. 4-6 November 2008, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
An overview of Water for Growth and Development in South Africa
J. Mtolo: an overview of Water for Growth and Development in South Africa
Water for Growth and Development signals a shift from earlier supply and demand driven approaches, through the period of concerted water service delivery to this sharply-focused response to current and future socio-economic demands and issues of water security. The new focus/thinking strongly emphasize the issue of “Bringing water to the forefront of development planning” which means that all economic and development planning must be influenced and guided by an assessment of water availability. A critical point for consideration is: Water is seldom the primary driver and catalyst of economic development in many instances; however, it can be a severe constraint to development initiatives in many parts of our country. Its availability, or potential availability, is therefore a crucial factor in all development planning initiatives and processes (whether local, regional / provincial or national) in the country. [authors abstract]
Community-scale multiple-use water services: ‘MUS to climb the water ladder’
B. van Koppen, S. Smits, P. Moriarty, and F. Penning de Vries: Community-scale multiple-use water services: ‘MUS to climb the water ladder’
The Challenge Program on Water and Food-supported MUS project (PN28) developed and tested ‘multiple-use water services’ (‘MUS’). This new approach to water services takes multiple water needs of rural and peri-urban communities as the starting point for planning and design of new systems or rehabilitations. By overcoming the administrative boundaries between single-use sectors, MUS contributes more sustainably to more dimensions of wellbeing than single-use approaches: health, freedom from drudgery, food and income. The action-research took place in 25 study areas in eight countries in five basins. The project brought global, national, intermediate-level and local partners together who were champions of MUS at the time in five benchmark basins of the Challenge Programme on Water and Food (CPWF). At community-level, the project identified generic models for implementing MUS. This was done through pilot-implementation of innovative multiple-use water services and by analyzing de facto multiple uses of single-use planned systems. It was found that by providing 50-100 lpcd, so doubling or tripling the common design norms in the domestic sector, multiple cost-effective benefits could be achieved from homestead-scale MUS. At the intermediate, national, and global level, the project’s ‘learning alliances’ engaged in the wide upscaling of these community-level MUS models, with the aim to establish an enabling environment to provide every rural and peri-urban water user with water for multiple uses. [authors abstract]
Effects of MUS on the sustainability of rural water supply services in Honduras
Stef Smits, Túpac Mejía, Senia Eben Rodríguez and Damián Suazo: Effects of multiple use of water on the sustainability of rural water supply services in Honduras
The de facto use of rural water supply systems for productive purposes is a practice that has recently received recognition in Honduras. This paper presents the results of a study that tried to further characterise this existing practice in a more structured way through 14 case studies, in particular analyzing its effects on people’s livelihoods as well as on sustainability in service provision. The cases show the nearly universal existence of productive use of rural water supplies, but showed that the extent of the uses and the relative importance in people’s livelihoods differs a lot between different user categories. Although this de facto use of rural water supply systems may bring risks for sustainability in service provision, the cases also showed that a number of relatively simple measures can help in regulating water use. The authors believe that multiple use of water can be accommodated into service provision in such a way that it doesn’t cause negative impacts. [authors abstract]
Characterising MUS at community level: findings from case studies in 8 countries
S. Smits, B. van Koppen and P. Moriarty: Characterising the multiple use approach at community level: findings from case studies in 8 countries
Multiple-use services (MUS) have gained increased attention, as an approach to of providing water services that meet people’s multiple water needs in an integrated manner. This paper tries to characterise key elements of mus at community level, and assesses performance through a review of case studies conducted in Bolivia, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Nepal, South Africa, Thailand and Zimbabwe. The cases show that people almost universally use water for domestic and productive activities at and around the homestead. The case studies demonstrate how levels of access can be provided by different types and combinations of technologies, and incremental changes made. These need to be accompanied by additional financial and management measures to ensure sustainability of services. The additional requirements posed are considered not to be insurmountable and can all be addressed in a feasible manner, and often justified by the additional benefits. [authors abstract]
Multiple uses of water: a view from the reality of rural communities and national politics in Colombia
I. Domínguez, S. Corrales, I. Restrepo, J.A. Butterworth: Multiple uses of water: a view from the reality of rural communities and national politics in Colombia
The water needs of people living in rural areas are integrated, and take into account personal hygiene, drinking water, food preparation and small scale productive activities. These activities are all important to provide food security, income and reduce the vulnerability of poor people. The interventions made by water supply projects that follow national policies and regulations in Colombia are, like in many other countries, fragmented and usually neglect innovative approaches. Innovative approaches that consider all basic water related activities linked to livelihoods can make a significant difference to household economies in poor areas. This paper presents evidence on how families manage water in rural areas of the Valle del Cauca Department (Colombia), and how this reality has been ignored by national policies and regulation. Proposals to reduce the gap between rural practice and policies for this sector are also suggested. These recommendations should help policy makers to take the rural context into account, to improve the regulations, and to contribute to poverty alleviation, equity and sustainable development. [authors abstract]
Service Oriented Management and MUS in Modernizing Large Irrigation Systems
D. Renault: Service Oriented Management and Multiple Uses of Water in Modernizing Large Irrigation Systems
20 large irrigation systems (average system size is 171.000 ha) mainly in Asia are scrutinized for multiple uses, functions and purposes. Most of them have been investigated by FAO as part of its program on irrigation modernization. The concept of Service Oriented Management (SOM) is central in the latest developed approach, called MASSCOTE [Mapping Systems and Services for Canal Operation Techniques]. This SOM approach on irrigation systems paves the way to identifying multiple uses and functions of water services within the gross command area of these systems. Analysis shows that only two systems out of 20 can be classified strictly as single use, all the other systems, are dealing, with varying degree, with multiple water uses, multiple functions, and/or externalities within their command area and therefore can be qualified as medium or high Multiple Uses of Water Services (MUS) system. Not many irrigation systems are designed/developed for providing service for multiple water uses, or are integrating MUS in absolute terms, but not many systems rank high in service oriented management either. However many systems (7) are already following practices related to MUS, only 6 systems have low MUS integration. It is found that the higher the degree of MUS the higher the integration of SOM in the management. High SOM level goes always with high integration of any other use when practiced in the command area. For some low SOM systems integration of MUSF in the management is still made at a similar low level as the one practice for crop water services. [authors abstract]
Productive use of domestic water and wastewater in urban Accra, Ghana
L. Raschid-Sally, D. Van Rooijen & E. Abraham: Analysing productive use of domestic water and wastewater for urban livelihoods of the poor – a study from Accra, Ghana.
Using Accra as an example, the paper records the different urban livelihood activities that utilize domestic water/wastewater, quantifies such use and presents a framework for planning multiple uses in an urban context. The paper provides insights to city planners, water authorities, and researchers on the wide range of ‘other uses’ that urban domestic water supply and wastewater is utilized for and how to quantify such use. From preliminary findings we conclude that the interests of people who use domestic water for livelihood purposes can be better accounted for under conditions of improved access, which will reduce the price they pay for water and increase their profit margin. The constraining factor for making productive use of water is not so much water shortage, as inequity of water access in the city. In the case of wastewater, managing the risk is essential for ensuring sustainability of these livelihoods. [authors abstract]
Sources of Water for Household Enterprises in Rural Vietnam
S. Noel: Sources of Water for Household Enterprises in Rural Vietnam
Small-scale productive activities undertaken in and around the household (e.g., kitchen gardens, raising of livestock, small businesses) require adequate quality and quantities of domestic water to operate. The research analyzed 189 purpose-collected household surveys from 6 villages in 3 provinces in rural areas of Vietnam to investigate patterns of use of domestic water and the impact on household-based productive activities. The findings indicate that these enterprises almost exclusively used ecosystem water, primarily well water, rainwater and water from rivers and lakes. This result held even in villages where piped water was available within the household plot. The conclusions emphasize the importance of natural capital in rural livelihood activities and suggest that patterns of development which draw down wealth in terms of natural capital stocks may adversely affect the poor in developing countries in the long run, even while raising GDP per capita in the short to medium term. [authors abstract]
The full paper has been published in the Water Policy journal.
Analysis of the MUS learning alliance process in Nepal
Monique Mikhail and Robert Yoder: Analysis of the MUS learning alliance process in Nepal
This paper draws on research conducted by International Development Enterprises (IDE) in Nepal as part of a multi-country action-research project on Multiple-Use Water Services (MUS) approaches. As one component of the action-research project, IDE-Nepal fostered a MUS learning alliance of government and non-government organizational partners to share the multiple-use concept, obtain support for project implementation, and explore methods for scale-up of the approach within Nepal. The paper analyzes the two-pronged learning alliance method used at the community, district, and national levels including the successful linkages and critical gaps. The genesis of partner thought throughout the learning alliance process is outlined and the various outcomes and drawbacks at the community, district, and national levels explored. Various barriers to scale-up of the MUS approach are catalogued, and strategies suggested by partners discussed. In addition, the paper includes an internal reflection of the experience of employing the learning alliance approach, future directions of IDE’s involvement, and the constraints faced. [authors abstract]
Small and large scale water supply infrastructure for MUS in South Africa
S. Mashicila: Evolving mechanisms to implement a range of small and large scale water supply infrastructure for households’ multiple water uses in South Africa
South Africa’s renewed commitment to poverty eradication is voiced in the water sector through the new Strategic Framework for Water for Sustainable Growth and Development. It recognises the catalytic role that water can play in poverty eradication through home- and village-based economic activity of poor households. This sets the table for the implementation of a range of conventional and less conventional infrastructure solutions of all sizes, to respond to people’s need for water for productive uses, and to the diversity of situations found in the South African context. Current institutional arrangements for water supply and management provides a basic framework within which such a range of infrastructure solutions could be implemented, provided some adaptations are made to consultation processes, design criteria and performance measurement. Sufficient attention to operation and maintenance of infrastructure is proving to be a key challenge. [authors abstract]
Impact of Multiple Use Water Services in Tori Danda Community, Nepal
Narayan Singh Khawas & Monique Mikhail: Impact of Multiple Use Water Services in Tori Danda Community, Nepal
This paper draws upon research conducted in the Malewa Basne Multiple-Use Services (MUS) system developed in Tori Danda village of Syangja District in Nepal with support from the Smallholder Irrigation and Marketing Initiative (SIMI) project, the Central Department of Rural Development, Tribhuvan University, and International Development Enterprises (IDE) Nepal. The paper describes how the MUS-by-design process and application of related micro irrigation technologies impacted a community in the middle hills of Nepal. Analysis of project impacts was conducted through selection of a random sample of participant households and data collection through a Participatory Rural Appraisal approach. As one of the first gravity-fed double tank, two line distribution systems designed in the middle hills by the SIMI project, this study of Malewa Basne represents typical MUS implementation challenges and community outcomes. The impact analysis includes increase in vegetable production, marketing aspects, and shifts in intra-household roles. Discussion of the process of MUS development also includes the mitigation of community conflict that arose due to caste dynamics and socio-economic disparities. [authors abstract]
Reducing the cost of water using smart technologies
H. Holtslag & W. Mgina: Reducing the cost of water using smart technologies
To increase rural water supply in Africa, hand piston pumps were widely disseminated in the 1980s. After technical improvements, the focus shifted from technology to the so called VLOM approach (Village Level Operation and Maintenance management) but still 20 - 50% of the hand pumps in sub-Saharan countries are not working at any given time. A major reason seems the lack of capacity of the users to manage the maintenance, and although hand piston pumps are relatively simple it seems that in many cases they are still “hi tech” for the target group. “Lo-Tech” pumps or so called Appropriate Technologies (AT) also often fail because they are not efficient or not accepted because of their “stone age” image. Another reason is the lack of the involvement of the local private enterprises in production, sales and maintenance. When the projects finish, the activities often stop because local production, quality control, sales and marketing (supply chain) are not developed. [authors abstract]
Inland Fishery as Additional Source of Income and Protein in Minor Tanks in Sri Lanka
K.S.H.J.K. Harischandra: Inland Fishery as an Additional Source of Income and Protein in Minor Tanks in Sri Lanka
In the past, village irrigation-tank based fisheries have played an important role in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka. However, currently, its contribution to the economy is far below expectation (Ministry of fisheries & ocean resources – 2002). This is mainly due to the poor condition of minor irrigation systems and lack of multiple use approach in the planning and development of these schemes. The Minor Irrigation Tank Rehabilitation project implemented by Plan Sri Lanka supports the development of small irrigation systems in the Anuradhapura district in an integrated manner, taking peoples’ multiple water needs into consideration. Project interventions include infrastructure improvements, capacity building of farmers and partners, integrated watershed management, crop diversification and an inland fishery program to improve livelihoods and food security. Under this project, Twelve of the rehabilitated schemes were identified by the National Aquaculture Development Authority as suitable for inland fisheries and in 2006 /2007, 6 of the 12 tanks were stocked with fingerlings. The economic returns in some tanks have far outweighed the costs incurred. The paper discusses Plan Sri Lanka’s experiences in integrating inland fisheries within its tank rehabilitation project as part of Plan’s MUS programe for poverty alleviation. It will explain demonstrated benefits in income generation, provision of a supplementary protein source for improvement of nutritional status and improved institutional stability. It will highlight best practices in institutional and resource management and appropriate technological practices for increasing benefits and effectiveness in multiple water use. [authors abstract]
Poverty impacts of improved access to water and sanitation in Ethiopia
F. Hagos, T. Slaymaker, J. Tucker, E. Ludi, E. Boelee & S. Awulachew: Poverty impacts of improved access to water and sanitation in Ethiopia
It is often argued that investments in water supply and sanitation (WSS) generate wide-ranging economic benefits. At the household level improved access to WSS is expected to lead to significant improvements not only in human health and welfare but also in levels of production and productivity. Investments in WSS are therefore considered important instruments for poverty reduction, but empirical evidence to support this remains quite limited. This study presents micro-evidence from a survey of 1500 households in Ethiopia on the economic impacts of improved access to WSS. We found that access to improved WSS has a strong statistical association with increased household water consumption and decreased average time spent to fetch water. Because of this time saving, household members with access to improved sources were also found to be more likely to participate in off-farm/non-farm employment. We also found strong evidence of positive impacts of improved access to WSS on health; although there are indications some type of illnesses may also have increased (e.g. water borne diseases). This evidence clearly shows that improving access to water supply infrastructure alone is not sufficient to bring about desired public health benefits. Interestingly, households with access to improved water supply and agricultural water were found to have significantly lower overall and food poverty levels in terms of incidence, depth and severity of poverty. Therefore, the pathways through which improved access to water supply has impacted poverty reduction in the study areas had to do with direct improved health benefits and through time-saving benefits induced increased participation of households in off/non-farm employment and irrigation. Determinants of off/non-farm employment and poverty were systematically analysed and factors identified and recommendations made to enhance these poverty impacts of water supply improvements. [authors abstract]
Multiple Functions of Water Management in Paddy Fields
H. Furihata: Multiple Functions of Water Management in Paddy Fields
Water for agriculture in the paddy area of Asia monsoon regions is not just considered as an economic resource of individual farmers, but is thought to be a common resource shared by a whole rural community and a part of the people's lives. Paddy field irrigation has characteristics not only of negative externalities but also of positive externalities, such as flood prevention and ground water recharge. This paper introduces the multiple uses and functions of water for agriculture in the paddy area of Asia monsoon regions. It maps the high value generated from paddy farming in Asian countries and how this is critical for many communities in addressing the challenges of "Food security and Poverty Alleviation" and "Sustainable Water Use". [authors abstract]
A livelihood approach to water in rural areas and implications for MUS
Jean-Marc Faurès, Guido Santini & Audrey Nepveu de Villemarceau: A livelihood approach to water interventions in rural areas and implications for Multiple Use Systems
Among all constraints to development, water has been systematically highlighted as one of the most important challenges to rural poverty reduction in sub-Saharan Africa. Highly variable and erratic precipitations, poor development of hydraulic infrastructure and markets, and lack of access to water for domestic and productive uses, all contribute to maintaining high the vulnerability of rural people in the region. Through a recent study, FAO and IFAD have been investigating the linkage between water and rural poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. The study argues that there are ample opportunities to invest in water in support to rural livelihoods in the region, but that interventions must be targeted adequately. The key word is “context-specificity”, and the main challenge is to understand where and how to invest. A comprehensive approach is needed, where investments in infrastructure are matched with interventions in institutions, knowledge and finance in ways that offer an opportunity to get the best return in terms of poverty reduction, and taking into account the extreme heterogeneity of situations faced by rural people over the region. Multiple use systems (MUS) are important in this context as infrastructure systems better address people’s need than sectoral water development programmes. The paper presents the main results of the study with special emphasis on the potential of investments in multiple use systems in the different livelihood zones of sub-Saharan Africa. [authors abstract]