
[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Ghana: policy perspectives on MUS, Aboagye, Government of Ghana.

In this presentation, Minta Aboagye provides the perspective of a policy maker from Ghana on MUS, and the implications and questions this raises from a policy perspective.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Honduras: MUS in rural water supply, Smits, IRC.

This presentation looks into the de facto use of rural piped water supply for productive purposes in Honduras. It looks amongst others at the benefits derived from this as well as the implications for sustainability of services.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Global: community-based MUS, van Koppen.

This is a presentation on project on localised IWRM, or community based MUS. It assess eight opportunities or steps to improve the benefits/cost ratio and promoting MUS.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  South Asia & Saharan Africa: MUS cost benefits for the rural poor, Renwick, Winrock Intl.

In this presentation attention is drawn to the outcomes of the Gates funded study on Multiple Use Water Services for the Poor: Assessing the State of Knowledge. The incremental costs for upgrading a system to climb the MUS service ladder were compared with the incremental benefits.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Global: MUS in large irrigation systems, Renault, FAO.

This presentation introduces a conceptual approach to cost benefit analysis for operation and management of MUS in large irrigation schemes. The MASSCOTE approach (used for auditing irrigation management) is build upon to create MASSMUS; a tool for rapid appraisal for mapping the benefits of MUS.

[Anonymous].  Submitted.  Asia: multiple use of water in flood plains, CGIAR-CPWF.

Presentation on the outcomes of the CGIAR-CPWF action research project looking into multiple-use of water in floodplains. Ecosystem benefit analysis showed that improving practices in rice-fish production through communal management increased the agro-ecological resilience.
