Tool 1


To identify community interest and their demand for water for multiple uses, and to clarify conditions of potential interventions.


To identify community interest and their demand for water for multiple uses, and to clarify conditions of potential interventions.


The community meeting consists of an open plenary discussion. A facilitator gives an introduction of the objectives of the meeting and explains in simple terms the concept of multiple-use water services and the condition of the planned multiple-use focussed intervention.

After this introduction, the facilitator asks guiding questions, which can be discussed in plenary, or sub groups, depending on the session. Where different opinions exist within a community, it is useful to explore these further. Below are a series of guiding questions:

The responses from the community members are captured on flip charts, or by other means, and read out aloud, so that all attendants know what will be documented.

Guiding questions for understanding the context and raising awareness

Current use of water

  • What are the main livelihoods activities in this community? Are there different categories of livelihoods in this village?
  • Is water used as input for these? If so, what water sources are used for those?

Limitations for multiple water use

  • Are there limitations to the use of water from the sources, related to quantity, quality accessibility or reliability of the water?
  • Are there conflicts over water use from certain sources (either within the community or with neighbouring communities)?

Interest in and demand for multiple use water services

  • Is there interest and demand for using water to enhance livelihood activities?
  • If access to water for livelihoods activities were to be enhanced, what would be your priority? Which kinds of sources would you consider exploiting? And for which uses?

Opportunities and limitations for multiple use water services

  • Who would be the beneficiaries of that? Are there (sub) groups in the community who would benefit more or less?
  • What are current limitations for the community in exploiting these resources more?
  • Would the community, and specifically the final beneficiaries, be willing to contribute to such development?


  • What kind of final benefit (for instance in terms of time saving, health, production, etc.) would you expect after having access to water for multiple uses?
  • What would you expect of the intervention to contribute to that? What would be your own contribution?
  • It is not necessary to come to final conclusions or consensus yet, as it is only the first step in the process.


  • It is not necessary to come to final conclusions or consensus yet, as it is only the first step in the process.


Tool 1 in: ZIMWASH, 2010. Guidelines for Planning for Water for Livelihoods, Harare: ZIMWASH Project.